Source: util/isType.js

 * @module {Object} isType
 * @description Collection of utility functions relating to types of values.

 * Tests whether an input is an Array
 * @param {*} input - Input value
 * @returns {boolean} Whether the input is an Array
function isArray(input) {
    return Array.isArray(input);

 * Tests whether an input is null
 * @param {*} input - Input value
 * @returns {boolean} Whether the input is null
function isNull(input) {
    return input === null;

 * Tests whether an input is an Object
 * @param {*} input - Input value
 * @returns {boolean} Whether the input is an Object
function isObject(input) {
    return (
        input !== null &&
        isArray(input) === false &&
        (typeof input) === 'object'

 * Gets the Type of a Single Value
 * @param {(string|null|number|boolean)} input - Input value
 * @returns {string} Type of input
function singleValue(input) {
    return input === null ? 'null' : (typeof input);

module.exports = {